Staying Motivated at Work During the Holidays

Staying motivated in the workplace can be a challenge, especially during the holiday season. However, the show must go on. Regardless of your industry, it is essential to remain focused on your work and execute your responsibilities with efficiency. Even though you may be looking forward to enjoying the holidays this year, ensure that you have created a work life balance that allows you to succeed at work, while experiencing the joy of the season.

Organize Your Responsibilities

At the start of your day, write a list of all of your work responsibilities. By jotting down these essential tasks, you will be better able to manage your workload. Instead of multitasking, you can focus on completing one goal at a time. By doing this, you will avoid feeling overwhelmed by work duties in addition to holiday pressure.

Keep Work and Home Separate

Leave work at work. If you take your work home during the holidays, you will become less motivated during your regular workday. Instead, be sure to create boundaries between your professional and personal responsibilities.

Eliminate Distractions

Don’t shop online, while you are working. Leave the holiday gift shopping for when you are off the clock. Tell your family and friends to respect your work time, which means that you should avoid answering unrelated work texts, emails, calls and direct messages during work hours, according to Forbes. In addition, if listening to holiday music at your desk causes you to get distracted, change your playlist to instrumentals or choose a non-holiday music selection.

Set Deadlines and Rewards

It’s easy to fall behind during the holidays if you don’t prioritize. By creating and adhering to both soft and hard deadlines, you can prevent yourself from losing sight of your calendar and important tasks. Additionally, once you successfully meet your deadlines, you should treat yourself to a reward as an incentive. Be proud of your small and large accomplishments so you can maintain a high level of motivation throughout the season.

Communicate and Be Honest

If you think that you need more time on a project, communicate with your needs with your management. It is essential that your team understands what you need to be effective in your role. If the holidays typically present a more complex timeline with production or execution, you should always be honest to properly set and meet expectations. You should also communicate with your family and friends and be transparent about what you can and cannot accomplish during the holidays.

Even though the holidays can be tricky to manage, it is a wonderful time of year. If you set your mind to creating firm boundaries in your life, then you will be able to succeed at the workplace during this season. Your dedication to success could even motivate a coworker or two.

This article was originally published on

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